I may not be the smartest guy in the room, but I will be the most prepared.

Dedicated To Upholding Your Loved One’s Wishes

A person’s will contains the wishes they want to be carried out after they pass away. The court generally adheres strictly to the terms of these documents. However, they cannot do so if the will is invalid.

Families in and around Knoxville turn to our team at The Vaughan Law Firm when they doubt the validity of a loved one’s will. If you seek to take legal action, our attorney, Larry Vaughan, is qualified to help you formally contest the will so your deceased loved one’s true wishes can be honored.

When Can You Contest A Will?

There are several grounds on which families can contest a will’s validity:

  • Undue influence
  • Fraud
  • Ambiguity
  • Testator was not of sound mind
  • Testator was a minor
  • Testator revoked will
  • Lack of proper execution

If something seems amiss with your loved one’s will, do not hesitate to consult with our attorney and explore your legal options.

How Do You Contest A Will?

The steps to contest a will are as follows:

  1. Establish that you’d be harmed if the will goes through probate
  2. File a formal complaint with the court
  3. Serve the complaint to other parties involved
  4. Exchange information with all parties during discovery
  5. A trial date is set

Our team at The Vaughan Law Firm is here to support and guide families through this process every step of the way.

Talk To Us About Your Concerns

If you suspect someone in the family influenced your loved one to write their will a certain way, your loved one was not mentally sound when they wrote their will, or any other invalidating circumstances, set up a free consultation with us. Mr. Vaughan will help you contest the will and strive for a more fair outcome.

Call our office at 865-424-4618 or message us online to schedule.

Visit our Facebook page to learn more about the real myths versus the reality of contesting a will.