I may not be the smartest guy in the room, but I will be the most prepared.

Experienced Legal Representation For Child Custody Disputes In Tennessee

Child custody and child support are extremely emotional issues. Experienced family law attorneys realize that in a child custody dispute, legal strategy is not the most important thing. And for that matter, neither is “winning.” It’s what’s best for the children that matter.

At The Vaughan Law Firm, we understand that people aren’t chess pieces, that child custody and child support disputes involve real people and that our actions in handling divorce and family law dispute cases should always be taken with the best interests of the children foremost in mind.

In any case, here you’ll find family law attorney, Larry Vaughan, who can give you an honest and objective assessment of your situation and provide the kind of experienced legal representation needed to resolve this issue with care.

Child Custody In Tennessee

Every child custody (parenting plan) decision is a balancing act. The court must balance many factors, including parenting skills, each parent’s ability to care for the child, the child’s preference and much more. We help divorcing parties establish child custody orders that are in the best interests of the children and our client. Whether your case is best resolved through custody dispute mediation or in court, we are fully prepared to represent you.

Child Support In Tennessee

The Tennessee Child Support Guidelines provide general rules for how courts should order child support in Tennessee. For example, the guidelines state that a child should receive child support until he or she is 18 (or 19, if the child fails a grade) and out of high school. Usually, one parent has primary custody (the primary residential parent) of the child while the other parent has co-parenting time/visitation and pays child support. Even though child support is often determined by the guidelines, there are many complex issues that can arise. We can help you work through these issues and toward a fair child support amount.

Child Custody And Support Modifications

“Permanent parenting plans” are not really permanent. Situations often arise where parenting plans and child support must be changed. For example, a child may want to move in with the other parent or a parent may need to move away. In these cases, a parent can request a child custody and/or child support modification.

At The Vaughan Law Firm, Mr. Vaughan has extensive knowledge about and experience handling complex child custody and child support modifications, such as:

  • Move-aways/parental relocations, including international move-aways involving the Hague Convention
  • Modifications by military members who have returned from active duty
  • Modifications involving unfit parents

Let 50 Years Of Experience Get You The Results You Deserve

For answers to other questions you might have about child custody, child support or divorce in general – call our Knoxville office at 865-424-4618. You can also send us an email message, and we will get back to you promptly.

For your convenience, we offer appointments outside of normal business hours, and we accept Visa and MasterCard.